Aug 20, 2015 | American Jails
American Jails: July/August Magazine Across the country, correctional leaders are challenged with operating at maximum efficiency while meeting the expectation of providing quality services in a time of limited resources. These challenges range from rising energy...
Aug 6, 2015 | Eco-Business
Whether it is reducing food waste, increasing recycling, or promoting energy efficiency, the ability to collect and analyze big data can deliver a huge boost to any sustainability effort, says Owen Yeo, business development manager, Enerprof. “We cannot manage what we...
Aug 3, 2015 | Facility Executive
The Eco-Safe Digester is an on-site aerobic digester that eliminates up to 2,500 pounds of food waste in a 24-hour period. It uses mechanical and biological treatments to convert food waste into a liquid that is safely discharged through standard sewer lines. During...
Aug 2, 2015 | Mother Nature Network
From composting food scraps and donating excess to food banks to a new Boston supermarket selling about-to-expire foods, a lot of effort has been devoted to reducing the 1.3 billion tons of food waste that are sent to the landfill annually. To complement these...